Looking for a children’s book about CHD? Look no further! Here are some of the best books to use to talk to your child about their special heart. Books can be a powerful tool in helping prepare a child for heart surgery or explaining their scars. One of these books could also be a great selection to read to your child’s class during CHD awareness week!

Books about Scars

Children's book about CHD called Zipline.

Zip-Line is a chidren’s book about CHD that helps answer the question “how did that scar get here?” The main character is a little girl who has had heart surgery for her CHD. She lives her life without limits and isn’t very different from anyone else. As a whole, the book aims to help children feel comfortable with themselves and their “zipline.” It is available for purchase on Amazon for $12.99.

Children's book about CHD called Exclamation Point.

Exclamation Point is somewhat similar to Zipline, but boys may identify with the book more since it has a little boy as the main character. The book talks about how the boy received the exclamation point scar on his chest when he had surgery for his CHD. Phrases in this book help give kids the words to use to explain their scar to another child and wear it like a badge of honor! This book is sold on Amazon for $12.99.

Fantasy with a Twist

Eamonn the Mighty - a children's book about a hero defeating CHD.

True Story of a Warrior

This book is cool because it’s different then other children’s books about CHD on the market. Eamonn the Mighty depicts a Cold Hearted Dragon (CHD) that is moving to destroy a town, but the hero Eamonn steps in to save the day! The story is a fantastical tale of a boy as he conquers CHD. It aims to help children with “zipper scars” feel proud of how strong they are. The book was written and illustrated by heart mom, Kristen Moran. It is available on Amazon for $10.99.

Zoey's Special Heart is a book written by a child with CHD.

Zoey’s Heart is a special book about a real-life heart warrior named Zoey Jones. She helped write this book about her journey with CHD as her wish through the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Middle Tennessee. It is sold on Amazon for $10.00.

A Hospital Experience

Nathan's Special Heart is a children's book about a boy with CHD.

Nathan’s Special Heart is available exclusively through the Kids with Heart National Association for $4.25 + shipping. The book details the hospital experience of Nathan as he goes to the cath lab to have a 1 inch hole closed in his heart.

Any other children’s books about CHD that you love? Tell us in the comments!

Also read: Preparing Your Child for Their Sibling’s Heart Surgery